Friday, November 29, 2019
Leading Lovers Dreamers Into Musical Delight by The Tallest Man On Earth free essay sample
AUSTIN, Texas After a lovely afternoon perusing the vibrant clothing racks of Buffalo Exchange and eating a scrumptious mushroom quiche from Mother’s Cafe Garden, a vegetarian restaurant, my friend Grace and I took our vegan Chocolate Mocha Torte and blueberry pie to go, making our way to Antone’s Nightclub on 6th Street in Austin, Texas. When we arrived to the venue, a decent sized line snaked around the side of the building with folks shouting questions from their cars about who it was we were all waiting to see. Various college-aged looking kids with hipster glasses and granola thermals yelled back, â€Å"THE TALLEST MAN ON EARTH!†We were all visibly stoked to see the little known folk hero. Bon Iver drummer Sean Carey opened the evening with his own band, S. Carey. Their gentle, Local Natives-esque harmonies felt somewhat out of place among the talkative Antone’s crowd, yet Carey’s own sweet falsetto floated over the clashing, melodic instrumentals. We will write a custom essay sample on Leading Lovers Dreamers Into Musical Delight: by The Tallest Man On Earth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His band-mates were all excellent musicians, especially the bassist who pounded his bass with a passion. When he closed his eyes you could feel every note created from his fingers. However, the set as a whole was dull and I found myself glad that it was so brief. Every song sounded like it was cut from the same pattern: a slow build, expansive, wispy singing, and then a breakdown to end it all. The only interesting part of their short set was when the bassist and Carey went cuckoo for long seconds (minutes?), ripping at the strings and banging on the low tom, both sticks slamming on the drum skin. I have heard that their album All We Go is an impressive showcase of cinematic ambiance, and even if I didn’t love them live in a nightclub, I am not against the idea of giving S. Carey another listen on a listless, placid day. After S. Carey stripped down, an older man with an enormous belly walked on stage. To my surprise and confusion, the man pushed up his glasses and began to read an original poem about dew and a praying mantis. It was incredibly bizarre, and I was relieved when the moment was over and he left the club. It was uncomfortable seeing a possibly unstable man recite poetry to a buzzy crowd, but what can one say? It’s Austin and they keep it weird. Finally, after my feet began to ache in my boots, a small man leapt up onto the stage like a little, nimble, Swedish elf. Kristian Matsson, handsome in a James Dean fashion, simply walked across the stage making the crowd go wild and he bashfully grinned at the whistles and hollers. While tuning one of his four guitars, he moved from left to right looking out into the sold out mass, gazing into bright eyes with a perplexed, open-mouthed stare. He muttered self deprecating jokes into the microphone eliciting chuckles before suddenly transforming into his hyperbolic moniker: The Tallest Man on Earth. His songs speak of murder, dreamers, nature and love with a voice that elicits endless comparisons to Bob Dylan. He is a poet and vandal. The Tallest Man on Earth’s presence takes up the entire stage with his incredible finger-picking guitar work anchoring the attention of anyone within hearing distance. On that Saturday night, Matsson was in top form. He blazed through well loved tunes, and slipped easily into newer material that almost every fan could already mouth the words to. There were sing-a-long gems such as â€Å"I Won’t Be Found†, â€Å"King of Spain†, and â€Å"The Gardner†–which upon closer reading reveals a dark message, and soul-quenching ballads such as â€Å"You’re Going Back†where a single profanity cut through the air with a strangled pain.He performed â€Å"Where Do My Bluebirds Fly?†the best that I’ve ever heard it, but the darn sweetest moment was when Matsson’s fiancee, Amanda Bergman (aka Jaw Lesson), accompanied him on stage for a duet of â€Å"Thrown Right at Me†where, for the duration of the song, Matsson’s attention was completely focused on his woman. The night came to a close after a double song encore with a feeling of communal adoration all around. It was sad to see The Tallest Man On Earth walk off the stage knowing he’d have to go around the world before he could come back to Austin, Texas for another show. But I’ll be waiting.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Womens Role in Contemporary Korea
Womens Role in Contemporary Korea Traditionally, a Korean woman duties and responsibilities were supposed to be based on the household compound. When they were young in their teenage, they were taught behaviours of inferiority, and how to be patience, as a way of preparing them for the future women roles (Pok 102).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Womens Role in Contemporary Korea specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Women were not supposed to participate in various activities like how their men were doing. Their main duty was to serve as a wife and a mother to the children. During the late 19th century, the country became civilised due to interactions with the outside world, and several situations started taking a new direction. During this period, several changes were realised in the country that resulted to a different perception of women’s roles. There was an introduction of modern schools that were not there in the old Korea. Western Christian missionaries assisted a great deal to come up with these schools, some of which were purposely meant to boost the status of women. Education was a major initiative in changing the role of women in Korea. Were it not for education, women would remain in oppression status for a long time (Hyun 95). The chance of enrolling in schools, women acquired much knowledge that opened important doors for them as far as activities were concerned. Women learnt important skills like arts, teaching, and even some faith doctrines. The lucky women who got chances of enrolling in schools demonstrated a very social attribute by enlightening their fellow women. Through this, women encouraged one another and the knowledge and skills were easily passed among women. During the time when there was independence movement in Korea meant for facilitating some actions against Japanese occupation women were never left behind. Women took this opportunity to prove their capability and as vigorous as men, full of d eterminations and even more courageous than they were expected. During this period, women participated in various actions that they were never thought they are capable. They achieved higher expectations than even their men, and people especially the leaders started viewing them as able human beings.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The best recognition of women came min the year 1948 when the Korea attained independence. This brought an opening for women through the new constitution that Korea came up with. The constitution had rights for women to pursue education just like any other person, and not be seen as a lesser human being. Women were also supposed to enjoy rights of work in any place at any level as long as they were qualified. The constitution also allowed women to interact with public life just like any other person and participate accordingly without any form of dis crimination. When women got this chance, they made marvellous contributions to the economy as most of them occupied professional posts in public and private sectors (Edson 89). After the constitution where women started enjoying their rights, the economic growth of Korea improved rapidly, and this was considered as the contributions of women as they were seen working with much efforts. As much as the economic status of Korea developed, the living standards of the country also improved, which resulted to a higher level of education that women were to achieve. By the year 1998, the level of the educated women who were professionals in Korea was very high. 99.5% of women by this year had attained a high school education, and approximately 61.6% had attained a university level of education (Pok 62). According to the research that were done, there is evident that the rate of participation of women in the economy of Korea increased steadily as it was 34.4% in the year 1965 and then increa sed up to 48.1% in 1999. This was an act appreciated by everyone in Korea, as it showed the effort of women in their work. Women embraced their rights, and opportunities of contributing to the economic development so much. In the year 1975, the top positions like managerial and other professional activities consisted of only 2% of the women while men occupied the rest (Pok 89). This did not imply that women were not capable of working in such positions, but it is only that they did not have the opportunities to utilize their talents and potential. During this period, even the jobs that are for women currently like clerical jobs had only 4%.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Womens Role in Contemporary Korea specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More By the year 1998, the trend was completely different whereby the top positions and career jobs in public and private sectors were occupied by approximately 13% of women, and now the clerical positions had gained its popularity to women and women occupied approximately 15% of this job. The effort of women to work in professional and high positions in different sectors, the government decided to boost their effort and maintain their morale. In 1987, the government of Korea came up with equal employment act that was to eliminate any form of discrimination to female workers (Theodore 246). This act gave women an equal opportunity to secure any job in any rank provided they are qualified, and an equal opportunity of gaining promotions at their working places just as their fellow male workers. Today, a Korean woman is a very crucial contributor to the country’s economy. Women are now participating in all types of fields just like men. There are some fields that were believed to be best for men like engineering, law and medicine. Currently, Korean women have surpassed these believes ad are now actively working in such fields. The new administration that took p lace in 1998 was purposely to support the women affairs. This commission was even made to cover wider areas and be responsible for ministerial gender equality mainly to look over the women education and their careers. Although a Korean woman got an opportunity to acquire education and skills to enable her to work in high posts and other professional posts, other duties about rearing children and household chores are also her responsibilities. This makes Korean women to be among the busiest women in the world. The society does not allow these women to abandon the children and other household chores to their careers (Pok 121). The constitutional rights that opened all those opportunities to these women was a way of adding more responsibilities to women of Korea, but they proved to equal the challenge.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Korean women are always overburdened with many commitments and prospectus. The government does not let down the efforts of these Korean women, but it worked hard towards empowering these women and to provide them with the necessary resources that would enable them perform their duties. Korean women are mostly involved in triple jobs whereby, the opportunity to education opened a great chance of working, their children as well rely on their mothers care and love, and finally the household chores are responsibilities of Korean women. In many companies, the employers avoid as much as possible from employing women especially the married ones due to their home burdens of children and other chores (Edson 96). This fact has made women to suffer in the modern Korea world, as they were facing such discrimination due to their other burdens. The government did not hesitate to protect women from such discrimination it came up with maternity protection law, whereby the employed women would recei ve a three month paid leave after delivery and they had the right to resume their working positions after the leave. This enactment protected many women from loosing their jobs after delivery as it was happening before. Despite all the barriers that Korean women faced before and after independence, they continued to prove their significance in the society. Women started participating in government and politics activities in the year 1990, and started taking remarkable responsibilities whereby they proved their capabilities of making achievements. For the past few years, there was a woman in Korea who managed to secure the position of a prime minister, and even others who were ready to meet the challenge by vying for presidency. Women have occupied other high positions in the government and in politics like the mayoral seats. In the year 2004, the percentage of women in the Korea national assembly had increased to up to 13%, and this was remarkable for women compared to the past when there was no woman in parliament (Edson 81). The presence of women in parliament and mostly in the law making activities was very crucial for the other women and a girl child in Korea. The women in parliament showed the readiness to continue the fight for the women rights to ensure the Korean woman was in the right position in the society. These women concentrated mostly in shaping the woman life right from the young female children to prepare them to handle the challenges of the family and for the working environment (Bary 867). In the past, a girl child grew up knowing that her place is within the household to take care of the husband, children and undertake other household chores. However, currently these young female children are brought up by learned mothers who show them that a woman is equal to any challenge just like men. The girl child is also brought up in the society where women are in top positions and are doing much to bring the achievement to the whole nation. The eme rgence of superior companies in Korea also promoted the learned women a great deal. The ones who were advantaged to acquire the education occupied the middle to upper level executives in those companies like LG electronics (Hyun 156). The companies employed women as they proved competent and equal to major challenges, and so these companies were so sure about good performance of women. Although such executive positions were relied on men only, women in some companies were even doing better than men. For instance, in most companies, women best perform the department of research and developments and the number of women employed in such field is increasing day by day. Globally, women are seen as a minority group, but their performance, determination and successful proves them as equal as men. The women’s role in the modern Korea covers both socially and economically (Bary 513). When women started working in professional positions, most of them became the family’s bread wi nner to be relied upon by the rest of the family as the source of financial support. Women with good working conditions have really proved to be performers in different fields. Apart from occupying the executive positions in different sectors, the learned women are also in best performing businesses. Women own and manage good businesses that earn them an attractive income in Korea. One reason why women are prospering in business is due to their capability of serving their customers well hence retaining the old ones and attracting more to their businesses (Theodore 202). The aspect of women owning businesses, they have become employers to even men. There are men who works in businesses and companies owned by women, and women have also proved to be good bosses. The women, who own businesses, are mostly also the overall manager of their businesses. According to some researches done, women businesses have prospered much as women have the best human resource attributes. In conclusion, wo men in the contemporary Korea are as competent workers as men are. Since independence, the government of Korea can least the effort of women, and mostly their contributions to the economy of the nation. Starting from the social setting the work of a Korean woman is identifiable, politically, women have also some wonderful achievements, and economically, they have contributed greatly (Hyun 105). The government of Korea has and is continuing to make the working conditions of women conducive, to enable them fulfil their dreams of improving the overall productivity of the nation. Gender equality is very important in any nation as everyone has his or her role to play in developing the nation. Gender discrimination can lead the whole nation to a downfall, as women are also contributors’ economically. Women have also another major role of acting as the role models of the growing female children. They have to act as good role models. Columbia University Press, 2008.Bary, William. So urces of East Asian Tradition: The modern period. New York: Edson, Michael. Koreas twentieth-century. Hawaii: University of Hawaii, 2007. Hyun, Theresa. Writing women in Korea: Translation and feminism in the colonial period. Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, 2004. Pok, Sang. Modern korean society: Its development and prospect. California: University of California, 2007. Theodore, Jun. The politics of gender in colonial Korea: Education, labour, and health. California: University of California, 2008.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Surveying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Surveying - Essay Example Alternatively, the information in this case will be used in adding, changing, removing and designing new space that will be in use in future. In doing the construction project, the construction team experienced various challenges, which generally delayed the project. The two main challenges that the team faced were the problems to do with the construction instruments and the environmental issues. Generally, accurate surveying requires a clear space between the target and the surveyor. In this case, the only time that was available for the construction team was from mid-day to 3:00 pm. While doing their work, the construction team had to deal with a hostile environment where they experienced non-stop flow of cyclists and walkers. This created a stressful working environment for the team. For effective work at the facility, the team had to request people frequently to wait for them to complete certain measurements at the facility. Despite all the obstacles experienced by the constructi on team at the facility, the program went on successfully without further delays. Other challenges that the construction team experienced during the project was ensuring the measurements were precise especially while making use of the total station equipment and while viewing through the prism. This was because the level concrete foundation was not perfect. In engineering and construction, there is a general rule that it is always important to ensure that the total leveling station is accurate and perfect. Extra attention and adjustments in this case had to be calculated outside since the data was displayed in order to be interpreted effectively so that the construction team can be able to obtain the exact measurements. Some of the equipment that the construction project utilized included a measuring tape, total station with prism, chalk, safety vests and colored
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Hamlet by Shakespeare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Hamlet by Shakespeare - Essay Example In his first soliloquy, he explains that he is unhappy about his mother marrying King Claudius, just with in a month after the death of his father .More over he does not trust King Claudius. At the same time Ophelia who is in love with young Hamlet is advised against this love affair by her father Lord Chamberlain Polonius as well as her brother Laertes, which makes Hamlet more unhappy. Young Hamlet meets his father’s ghost who tells him that he was killed by Claudius by poisoning. The ghost wants young Hamlet to take revenge for his death. The ghost asks him not to punish his mother for marrying King Claudius, for she will get judged and prosecuted by her own consciousness and in the heaven. Hamlet wants to take revenge on the king, but is fed up with the vanities and deceits of life. â€Å" To be, or not to be , that is the question : /Whether ‘ts nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune/ Or to take arms against a sea of troubles/And b y opposing end them.†(Act 111, Scene1, 56-60) Meanwhile different theories arise regarding the strange behavior of young Hamlet. Hamlet had met Ophelia, badly dressed and left with out uttering much to her. Knowing this incident Polonius theorizes that Hamlet’s strange behavior is due to the rejection of him by Ophelia. Queen Gertrude believes that, it is the death of his father and her hurried marriage that is disturbing Hamlet.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Classmates responses Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Classmates responses - Coursework Example If they had considered such dimensions, they would have been more sensitive to cross cultural differences between the European culture and that of the business partners (Ridley 110). This would have eased the communication between partners and closure of the deal. I agree with you that the concept of time is different across cultures. In Europe, people are generally more sensitive about the passage of time, which is regarded as highly valuable. On the other hand, Arabs, Latin Americans as well as Africans believe that time can be elastic; therefore, they are more reluctant to keep deadlines (114). This was evident from the business partner who arrived almost an hour late. The Germans viewed such a gesture negatively because the partner had wasted their time. On the other hand, understanding the dietary preferences of different culture is a critical cultural aspect. If cultural literacy had been considered as serious as expected, some of the misunderstanding that compromised the negotiation process would not have occurred. The video is a strong reminder for any business partner intending to go global that there is a salient need for a rigorous research process concerning cross cultural differences. The importance conducting research on cross cultural differences and their impact on global businesses cannot be underestimated. The videos place emphasis to this point. Although cultural aspects such as diet and the view of time may be viewed as minor issues, they have an immense potential of affecting businesses negatively (115). This is the reason why theorists such as Hofstede focused on describing cultural dimensions that should be considered prior to engaging in international business. As the video highlights, there is an outstanding difference between European culture, Indian and the Middle East cultures. Cultural differences between these three cultures hindered the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Anaemia During Pregnancy: Case Study
Anaemia During Pregnancy: Case Study ANAEMIA DURING PREGNANCY The wonder and joy ofpregnancyis matched by the bodys ability to adapt to looking after the growing baby. In addition to the mothers physiologic needs, there is the additional need to provide the building blocks for optimal growth of the baby. All this construction requires energy and oxygen as the fuel that helps drive the engine. Oxygen in the air that we breathe is delivered to the cells of the body by haemoglobin, a protein molecule found in red blood cells. When the blood lacks level of healthy red blood cells or haemoglobin it leads to a condition called anaemia. The main part of red blood cells is haemoglobin that binds to oxygen. If red blood cells is too few or the haemoglobin is abnormal or low , the cells in the body will not get enough oxygen. The body goes through significant changes when a woman is pregnant. Anaemia is a common disorder in pregnancy, which affect 20 to 60% of the pregnant women. About 20 to 30% of blood increases in the body, which increases the supply of iron and vitamins which are required in the production of haemoglobin. Most of the mothers lack adequate amount of iron during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. A mild anaemia is normal during pregnancy due to increase in the blood volume, but however a severe anaemia can put the baby at high risk of iron deficiency later in infancy. There are different types of anaemia that can develop during pregnancy such as fotal-deficiency anaemia vitamin B12, deficiency anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia. According to Cashion Alden, Perry (2009) In pregnancy, ladies need extra folate to make the red blood cells to transport oxygen to tissues throughout the body. Folate deficiency can directly contribute to certain types of birth defects. Folate-deficiency anaemia, folate which is also called folic acid, is a type of vitamin which is needed for the body to produce new cells, including healthy red blood cells. Iron-deficiency anaemia is when the body does not have enough iron to produce adequate amounts of haemoglobin, and is the most common cause of anaemia in pregnancy. To form healthy red blood cells the body needs vitamin B12 from her diet, the body would not be able to produce enough healthy red blood cells. Ladies who do not eat meat, poultry, dairy products, and eggs have a risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to birth defects. Severe or anaemia which is untreated can lead to preterm or low-birth-weight baby, postpartum depression, baby with a serious birth defect of spine or brain, prenatal mortality or maternal death. . Some of the symptoms of anaemia during pregnancy are pale skin, lips and nail, feeling tired or weak, dizziness, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat. Antenatal care refers to care given to a pregnant woman from the time of conception is confirmed until the beginning of labor. Risk factors for anaemia in pregnancy can be woman pregnant with more than one child, two pregnancies close together, vomiting a lot because of morning sickness, teenager who is pregnant, not eating enough foods that are rich in iron and heavy periods before became pregnant In nursing process Assessment is the first stage in which nurse carries out a complete and holistic nursing assessment. Normal ward routine of nursing care procedures in antenatal unit at booking and important nursing focus areas is followed. Antenatal booking appointment, which provides the midwife with the valuable background information. The subjective and objective data is collected. The purpose of the visit is to bring together the woman to the maternity service. The information is shared between the mother and the midwife in- order to discuss, plan and implement care for duration of the pregnancy, the birth and postnatal period. During my attachment in antenatal clinic a mother came in for antenatal booking. Collecting her personal history, she is Mrs X, Indian married female. Her date of birth is 22th January, and is now 23 years old. , she is a high school graduate, is able to read and write and follow instructions, able to maintain eye to eye contact and is married to a 25 years old taxi driver named Mr Y. She is staying with her husband, his parents, two brother’s and a sister. They live in a wooden house near the copra mill. The mother is from Waibula but lives with relatives in Namara. Her emergency contacts were of her husband xxxxxxx and cousin sister xxxxxxx. Her family history, Mrs X mother is diabetic and her sister had twins. Mothers medical history was occasionally complains of migraine, and heavy menstrual bleeding. The husband and his elder brother are driving taxi and also they do a casual job in the timber mill. Mrs last normal menstrual period was on 25th of September 2012, her expec ted date of delivery is on the 7th of January 2013. She missed her period for two months. There was no gynaecological history present. Starting with her examinations, the height is 6 feet and 4 inches (1.65m) and is 66 kilograms. The urine test was normal, blood pressure was 80/40mmHg, temperature of 37.5 °C,pulse rate: 114 bpm, respiratory rate: 28 bpm skin: (+) pallor, (-) jaundice, (-) cyanosis, head:, EENT: pale palpebral conjunctiva, negative cervical lymp adenpathy chest, lungs: symmetrical chest expansion, (-) retractions heart: adynamic precordium, tachycardia, (-) thrills, (-) murmur abdomen: globular, soft, normal and active bowel sounds, non-tender extremities: pale nail beds, cold upper and lower extremities (-) cyanosis, weak peripheral pulsesneurological: No found neurological deficits rectal exam: No haemorrhoids, no fissures, no masses, palpated, no tenderness, intact rectal vault, good sphincter tone. In the blood test, the full blood count was done and was low an d proven to be anaemic. In order to ensure that the outcome of the pregnancy is the best for mother and baby, a routine is undertaken which is embraced by the term â€Å" antenatal care†. Fraser and Copper (2009) stated â€Å" the aims of antenatal care is to monitor the progress of pregnancy to .maternal and fetal health, developing a partnership with the woman, providing a holistic approach to the woman’s care that meets her individual needs, promoting an awareness of her public health issues for the woman and her family, exchanging information with the woman and her family, enabling them to make informed choices about pregnancy and birth, being an advocate for the woman and her family during her pregnancy, supporting her right to choose care appropriate for her own needs and those of her family, recognizing complications of pregnancy and appropriately referring woman to the obstetric team or relevant health professionals or other organizations, facilitating the wom an and her family in preparing to meet the demands of birth, making a birth plan, facilitating the woman to make an informed choice about methods of feeding and giving appropriate and sensitive advice to support her decision and offering parenthood education within a planned programme or an individual basis†.(P.g 265). During booking the mothers blood was sent in the laboratory for tests. The haemoglobin level 12g/dL or if it is the haematocrit less than 30% in a pregnant woman. Then it proves that the woman is anaemic. Mrs X haemoglobin level was 8.7g/dL and hemocrit was 25% , so it proved that she is anaemic. It is the risk to the mother and the fetus., So the nursing problem was diagnosed to Mrs X that she was suffering from Iron Deficiency Anaemia. Fraser et al. (2009) stated â€Å" iron deficiency anaemia is the most common hematologic disorder in pregnancy, it affects approximately 15% to 25% of pregnant woman, depending on the ethnic and socioeconomic groups being studied†.(P.g 872). After the diagnosis of iron deficiency anaemia Mrs X was referred to the doctor. The body produces more blood to support the growth of the body. The existence of a hematologic abnormally increases the pregnant women’s risk for developing more complication such as infection or preterm delivery If the mother not getting enough iron or certain other nutrients, the body might not be able to produce the amount of red blood cells it needs to make this additional blood. Taylor, Lillies, Lemone Lynn (2011) stated â€Å" carbohydrates, protein and fats are potential sources of energy for the body†.(P.g 1158). Mrs X presented with symptoms of pale skin, lips and nails, feeling tired or weak, dizziness, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate and trouble concentrating. It is very important to assess the wellbeing of the fetus. This was done by checking the fetal movement and listening to the fetal heart sound using a fetal cardio graph machine. The bloods were performed to see the changes that may indicate worsening of anaemia. The nurses has its own independent role scope of practice to ensure that the mother and fetus are healthy. The nurses role in managing the pregnant woman in this case of Mrs X are as follows. Nurses can be councillor, collaborator and advocator. The role of the nurse at first step will be taking or monitoring vital signs of the mother and thefetal heart rate. To assess the fetal heart rate, fetal heart sound and fetal kick count was monitored. Urine check is another important role of nurse in monitoring an anaemic mother. The mother will be asked to bring along a urine sample for glucose and protein level. In early pregnancy if protein level will be high it can be sign of problems including urinary tract infection, a kidney disorder , high blood pressure or diabetes. If in later pregnancy protein of high level is found is sign of pre-eclampsia. Taking of height and weight measurements is another role of a nurse, also to work out body mass index. Potter, Perry, Stockert Hill (2013) st ated â€Å" body mass index (BMI) measures weight corrected for height and serves as an alternative to traditional height-weight relationships†.(P.g 56). Since the nurse knows the diagnosis of Mrs Mrs Xshe can advise on what kind of foods to consume .She was advised to take foods that are rich in iron examples are red meat, egg yolks, dark leafy vegetables, dried fruit, iron-enriched cereals, grains, chicken giblets, beans, lentils, and liver. Establishment of quiet and peaceful environment to promote rest. During her hospitalization Mrs X was served with full diet. The nurse also taught to the woman on correct positioning while resting.The nurses also did health education with the husband on health. Nurses need to follow the physicians orders in giving the prescribed medications on time.They also advised on personal hygiene. In antenatal care the nurse needs to collaborate with other health care professionals, such as dietician, the obstetric, doctor, haematologists and physiotherapist. To enablepeople to make informed and practical choices about food and lifestyle in health and disease, the role of a dietician comes in, dietetics is the interpretation and communication of nutrition science. The role of a dietician was to prepare a food guideline for Mrs X. Obstetric team works with patients who are wanting to become to become pregnant, is pregnant or have recently delivered. The obstetricnurse have plenty roles in managing an anaemic mother. Mrs Narayan was admitted, reviewed, history taken, vaginal examination, fetal heart tones, and duration and intensity of contractions was done by an obstetric nurse. Paediatrician doctoradvised on healthy and successful delivery of Mrs Narayan, also advised on diet and medication compliance. Paediatrician doctor also took blood and urine test. The roleof midwife is to provide pregnancy care to woman during pregnancy and during birth. The midwife took Mrs X medical history and explained in detail the limitations and risks associated with pregnancy while being anaemic. The midwifealso checked urine for protein and heart beats for the developing baby. Health education was also provided by the midwife. The doctor was also responsible to prescribe medications, examination and to consider delivery if the condition of mother gets worse and fetus gets distressed. The physiotherapist taught Mrs X on exercise that was helpful to her. There are rationales behind the nurses independent roles in ensuring the well-being of the mother and the fetus. As stated earlier monitoring of vital signs, it is very important because to see if Mrs X condition is stable or not. Also same for the fetal heart rate and fetal sounds to see if everything is normal or not. Monitoring fetal heart rate and fetal sound to ensure that the fetus is not distressed. Urine checkis also important factor, it is done by the nurses to see if the glucose and protein level is normal or requires attention. Taking of height and weight is also important to see if mother is healthy and gaining weight since she is pregnant.Also to calculate the body mass index of the mother. The nurse providing health education on her diet, encouraging her to take iron rich foods to prevent or stop Mrs X from getting anaemic. The nurse administers medication as prescribed by the doctors to make Mrs X to improve on her health.Personal hygiene is really important because th e way mother keeps her self affects or reflects the fetus as well. There are rationales behind the professionals collaborative roles in establishing or giving quality care to the pregnant mother. Taking of history from the mother is to know whether she had any past medical problems, such as gynaecological issues or any surgeries that can hinder her present pregnancy. Doctors or paediatricians take samples of blood to see if mother is seriously anaemic or requires attention, or to see if there could be any complications.The rationale of doctors doing vaginal examination is to see cervical dilation or any complications which can arise. Counselling by the doctors of having proper diet or dieticians, to improve the condition of the mother and avoiding complications. Obstetric team was to ensure that if emergency develops there could be urgent need to conduct delivery in caesarean section, because they have knowledge on when and how to conduct delivery in emergency situation. Doctors presenting medication to increase iron level in the blood. Physiotherap ist needed to educate mother on exercise to help her in delivery. During the end of the antenatal clinic, the strengths and weakness of Mrs X was found and identified, it was recorded in evaluation. Mrs X was adjusted to what the plan was ruled out for her. Her strengths were that she followed her diet to what the dieticians planned for her. The health education was really effective to her and her husband supported on her diet and growing fetus. The family support was also there and she was in happy environment, free of fear and anxiety. Mrs X also took her tablets on time and gained weight. Another blood test was done and was found out that her haemoglobin level was normal. The benefitsof maternal iron supplementation on these outcomes are unclear, even for woman who develop anaemia during pregnancy. There is vivid evidence that maternal iron deficiencyanaemia increases the risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight. Iron supplementsimprove the iron status of the mother during pregnancy and during the postpartum period, even in woman who enter pregnancy with reasonable iron stores. Through my point of view, the mass of evidence supports the practice of routine iron supplementation during pregnancy, even though iron is most common and important for woman who have anaemia. ( Approx: 2443 words.) Reference Potter, P, A., Perry, A, G., Stockert, P, A., Hill, A, M. (2013). Fundamentals Of Nursing (8th ed.). United States Of America: Mosby. Fraser, D, M., Copper, M, A. (2009). Myles: Textbook for midwives (15th ed.). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Lowdermilk, D, L., Perry, S, E., Cashion, K., Alden, K, R. (2012). Maternity Women’s Health Care ( 10th ed.). United States Of America: Mosby. Taylor, C, R., Lillis, C., Lemone, P., Lynn, P. (2011). Fundammentals Of Nursing: The art and science of nursing care (7th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott. Reeder, S, J., Martin, L, L., Martin, L, L. (1997). Maternity Nursing: Family, newborns, and women’s health care (18th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott. 1
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Philip Larkins Faith Healing Essay -- Philip Larkin Faith Healing Poe
How typical in terms of subject, theme, structure and versification is Faith Healing by Larkin? Philip Larkin's Faith Healing In 1964, Philip Larkin published his third book of poetry, entitled 'The Whitsun Weddings'. One of the many critically acclaimed poems was 'Faith Healing'. In this essay, I intend to explore how typical this poem is in terms of subject, theme, structure and versification. In Faith Healing, women flock to an American Faith Healer for a blessing. The persona of the poem is written from an outsider's point of view, looking in at this sight. Faith Healing is divided into three stanzas, each of ten lines. Iambic pentameter is used to give 5 major stresses to each of the 10 lines. The three stanzas actually contribute to the action of the poem. In the first stanza, the women go forward to the Faith Healer; in the second, they leave and 'Sheepishly stray'. Finally, the poem concludes with the third stanza where Larkin analyses the situation. This versification is indeed quite typical throughout The Whitsun Weddings. 'Here' is another poem from this collection, and Larkin again writes in iambic pentameter. He uses the traditional versification to describe a journey from an industrial city to a place where much more satisfaction can be gained. This journey was also mapped by the structure of the poem. Larkin wrote 4 stanzas and each one marked a progression in the journey. This is similar to Faith Healing where each stanza moves the story onto the next event or occurrence. It is a similar case for 'Mr Bleaney' where every line is written in iambic pentameter, with only one exception for the first line. This poem also tells a story with the first four verses being descriptive befo... ...t we really desire whereas Faith Healing suggests that if these women had realised their loneliness earlier in life, they could have loved and been loved in return. This is only a slight difference; but is worth considering when asking the question of the typicality of Faith Healing. Overall, I feel that the similarities outweigh the differences and it can be concluded that Faith Healing is infact quite similar to a selection of the other poems in Whitsun Weddings. There are some differences and Faith Healing is unique in some respects, such as Larkin not experiencing this event personally. However, overall Faith Healing is a typical Larkin poem, with deprivation and loneliness as themes, iambic pentameter and enjambment as language features and with initially descriptive stanza's before moving on to conclude with a reflective and thoughtful panorama.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs by Bob Poston, cst An Exercise in Personal Exploration: Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is a valuable assessment tool that is used in many different professions, particularly those in the fields of education and health care. the ideas of needs are addressed in order, as the body resolves the most basic needs for survival before moving on to more complex needs. M ny educational programs in the health care field teach Maslow’s hierarchy in order to address the needs of patients and where they are in their life from a psychological perspective, simply because it helps identify and address the needs of those particular patients. The idea of using a hierarchy pyramid helps us to lay out the stages of need, starting with the base of the pyramid, which looks at physiological needs. As we work our way up the pyramid, the needs start to become more complex, and include safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and finally, at the very top, we have self-actualization.This article explores the theories of Abraham Maslow in detail, as well as addresses the controversies that have been questioned in his theory. This article will also evaluate the impact of these theories on human behavior and assess each of the components comprised within Maslow’s Hierarchy Pyramid. learning OBJec tives s identify the different levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs s Compare and contrast the differences between being needs and deficit needs s explain the process of selfactualization s examine how Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs impacts patient careBiographical outline Born on April 1, 1908, in Brooklyn, New York, Abraham Maslow was the first of seven children. 1 The son of under-educated Jewish immigrants, Maslow didn’t have many friends as a young s Consider the challenges to Maslow’s theories and formulate a response  © 2009 Association of Surgical Technologists For reprint permission: [email protected] org A UGUST 2009 | the surgical technologist | 347 food and play, they would in more cases choose the food. The same was true when it came to the monkeys’ choice between water and food.The water would always be chosen as the Selfpriority over food. Self-fulfullment actualization: needs achieving one’s As the observations continued, a full potential, pattern emerged. Maslow could see, on including creative a physiological level, that if the monactivities keys didn’t have food, but had water, Esteem needs: the group was less aggressive than prestige and feeling of accomplishment Psychological those that had the water taken away needs Belongingness and love needs: from them. 1 The same held true with intimate relationships, friends safety needs.If all of the physiologiSafety needs: cal needs were met, then the monkeys’ security, safety Basic behavior became more profound when needs Physiological needs: it came to establishing social roles and food, water, warmth, rest dominance. Maslow later transitioned this idea over to human behavior and was able to establish physiological needs over child, but found his sense of self by reading books. He safety needs, safety needs over belongingness needs, belongbegan his college journey by attending City College of New ingness needs over esteem needs, and esteem needs.The York, and later transferred to Cornell University, before needs, in turn, form the first four components of the pyragoing back to City College of New York. After realizing a mid, and are addressed as deficit needs. Self-actualization, keen interest in psychology, he moved to Wisconsin, where the fifth component, addresses the need of being, which he studied at the University of Wisconsin. Throughout defines one’s own place in the universe. the 1930s, Maslow earned his BA, MA and PhD. Later, When an individual does not have enough of something, he returned to New York, where he not only taught full he or she has a deficit, ultima tely creating what Maslow has time at Brooklyn College, but he also became interested in termed â€Å"deficit needs. †1 When individuals eat and drink, human sexuality. for example, the need for water and food is met, so there Maslow served as chair of the Department of Psy- is no longer a motivating factor to obtain water or food, chology at Brandeis from 1951-61. While there, he met and the deficit need has temporarily been satisfied. Deficit a well-established researcher named Kurt Goldstein, who needs comprise or make up the four lower components of developed the idea of â€Å"self-actualization. †This concept Maslow’s hierarchy pyramid. fascinated Maslow, and it was through this notion that he On the other hand, Maslow also mentions the idea of pursued the idea of humanistic psychology, which he ultiâ€Å"being needs. †Being needs have nothing to do with deficit mately valued more than his own research.Maslow died needs. Being needs are internal, a nd are at the very top of on June 8, 1970. 1 Maslow’s hierarchy pyramid, which ties into self-actualization. 2 An example here might be drawing one’s own conclucreating the hierarchy of needs sions of where and who he or she is spiritually. This internal Abraham Maslow is well known for the creation of the concept is addressed as self-actualization. hierarchy of needs. The way he came up with this idea The following sections of this article will address each was by studying and observing monkeys.During observalevel of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in more detail in an tion, he noticed that they displayed a very unusual pattern effort to see how they apply to individuals, and how they of behavior that addressed priorities based on individual can define who and where an individual is in his or her life. needs. If, for example, the monkeys had a choice between FIGURE 1: MASLOW’S HIERARCHY PYRAMID 348 | the surgical technologist | AUGUST 2009  © 2009 Associat ion of Surgical Technologists For reprint permission: [email protected] orgPHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS With so many different capabilities, from the regulation of temperature and hormones to the processing of water, food and the elimination of waste, the living body is the most unique machine in the universe. Despite its relative fragility, the human body can live for many years. Every single detail is so integral, from how the body processes oxygen through millions and millions of tissue cells, to the thousands of miles of arteries that carry blood and nutrients to those tissues. With this being said, there is still the need to meet the very basic essentials of ife: the body must take on oxygen, water and food. Before any further growth can take place, this very basic need has to be met. This is what Maslow addresses as a physiological needâ€â€the need for the body to work in unison to accomplish the task of basic survival. Physiological needs are influenced generally through the cr avings that we have. If a person is thirsty, he or she finds a drinking fountain. Similarly, if the individual is hungry, he or she will find food. If the body is being deprived of oxygen, it will surely react. If there is a vitamin deficiency, the body has subtle ways of fulfilling that need.One example of how the body regulates itself on a physiological level is by homeostasis. Homeostasis simply means to regulate. A part of the human brain, called the hypothalamus, plays an important role in keeping the body regulated by controlling the body’s thermostat, which is controlled by the release of several hormones called gonadotropins. If a female produces too much estrogen, the hypothalamus releases a hormone called luteinizing hormone that triggers ovulation, therefore acting like a shut-off switch for the amount of estrogen present.If the thyroid gland produces too much thyroxin, the hypothalamus produces a hormone to switch off the flow of the thyroxin. These are Throughout life, the idea of physiological needs remains consistent. The need to maintain adequate physiological balance will always be essential†¦ just a few examples of homeostasis at work, however, there are many circulatory hormones that are needed to maintain normal bodily functions. Another prime example is the release of the â€Å"fight or flight†hormones that are secreted by the adrenal medulla of the adrenal glands.If there is a need for the body to defend itself, these hormones will surge into action to prepare the body for fight or flight. These hormones, although they play an important role, are kept in compliance by regulatory mechanisms within the brain. 3 Throughout life, the idea of physiological needs remains consistent. The need to maintain adequate physiological balance will always be essential, and may kick into action in very different ways at various different times, whether the individuals experiencing it are aware of it or not.For example, how would anyone ever get a good night’s sleep if they had to literally think about their breathing pattern, heart rate or blood pressure on a conscious level? Sure some people may have to get up during the night to use the restroom or grab a glass of water, but remember that this is all part of how the body regulates itself. The notion that physiological needs tie into other, more complex needs of the hierarchy is very relevant. Maslow The basic principles of Maslow’s hierarchy have been observed in primates.  © 2009 Association of Surgical Technologists For reprint permission: [email protected] rg AUGUST 2009 | the surgical technologist | 349 Again, this need will change depending on where an individual is in his or her life. For a young child, approvalseeking behaviors may become more commonplace. The child may engage in activities to get his or her parents’ attention by exploring or asking lots of questions. In a sense, the child needs to feel an emotional or social co nnection with SAFET Y NEEDS his or her parents. As the child evolves into a teenager, he Much like physiological needs require maintenance throughout life, so does the need to feel secure.This need is or she will more than likely become more socially active in more psychological. With that being said, safety needs may peer groups. Generally, whatever gets reinforced, supported, be different for each individual, depending on where he or or accepted by these peer groups will often determine which type of group the adolescent will affiliate him or herself she is in life. For a child, this need may manifest as the need with. This idea can be noticed at any point throughout an individual’s life. Safety needs may be different for each individual, depending on As youths ature into adulthood, they tend to affiliate with those indiwhere he or she is in life. For a child, this need may manifest as viduals or groups who accept them. A sense or a need to belong, at any the need for a saf e family environment. There has to be security stage, is influenced by several factors. in the home, with warmth and love. Some of these influences, for example, are socio-economic influences: the education level of parents and family, 4 the neighborhood in which the child grows up and the type for a safe family environment.There has to be security in the home, with warmth and love. When a family is dysfunc- of schools where they are educated, as well as the children tional, it makes it difficult for that child to move up to the who attend those schools. Whatever type of behavior is learned and accepted, based on these variables, is likely the next level of social needs because fear is often present. For adults, this need may be economic in nature. If a behavior that will form a particular individual’s character person loses his or her job, for example, fear and anxiety and self-esteem.The level of belonging must be established because of its will have an impact on that perso n’s social life, and may effect on one’s self-esteem. If the level of belonging in the cause him or her to regress. 5 Additionally, adults are not hierarchy model is low, or an individual is viewed negatively immune to the need of safety. In some parts of the world, where there is chaos, people are stuck at this level of need- by peers in that group, he or she may develop social anxiety ing to feel safe. The goal of consistently meeting the need for and may withdraw toward a level of people in which he or safety is to have stability in one’s life.It is the idea of being she fits in socially. If a child grows up in a neighborhood able to walk around the block at night without the worry of where there are street gangs, and attends schools in that being mugged. It is the idea of feeling secure in the work- neighborhood with the families of those street gangs, then place. It is conclusive that fear hinders one’s ability to move the likelihood of the child to adapt and take on that form of character becomes more likely. According to Maslow, the on to the more advanced platforms of Maslow’s pyramid. eason for this behavioral pattern is likely due to the peer groups that the child grew up with. BELONGING NEEDS This is not meant to imply that all children who grow up Advancing up the hierarchy pyramid, the next level reprein this type of neighborhood will join a gang, simply that sents the need to belong on a social level. The social level generally becomes the priority only after the physiological there is a higher likelihood of that outcome. On the other and safety needs have been sufficiently met and maintained. and, if a child is brought up in a more affluent neighborhood, it is likely that the parents will also be more educated. A sense of belonging can be felt when an individual becomes more focused on the desire to build relationships with others. In this scenario, it is more likely that the child will develop This includes th e desire for a romantic partner, to have close and adapt to the peer groups in which education is more of a priority. The influence in a child’s upbringing starts friends, and maybe to get married and have children. 1 elieved that once the physiological needs are met in sufficient detail, people move on to address these more complex needs. Safety and security make up the next platform of the pyramid. 350 | the surgical technologist | AUGUST 2009  © 2009 Association of Surgical Technologists For reprint permission: [email protected] org with a home and family that secures the previous levels of Maslow’s hierarchy by meeting and maintaining the foundation levels of needs. Relieving any anxiety or fear will help put more emphasis on social development, and with this will come a healthier self-esteem.ESTEEM NEEDS Once the needs of physiology, safety and belonging have been met, the individual will now move on to the needs of their self-esteem. Self-esteem, like all th e prior needs, must also be maintained. This is the highest platform in the category of deficit needs. 1 The process of growth, when addressing one’s self-esteem, builds the bridge to one’s awareness. Self-esteem begins to establish itself in life as early as age two. Maslow’s hierarchy addresses two levels of self-esteem. One of those is a lower level and the other is a higher level.Maslow’s hierarchy is a two-way street. A person can spend a lifetime traveling between the two extremes. The lower form of self-esteem is directly related to an individual’s ego, meaning that there is a strong need to be respected by others. 4 Within this lower form, the individual still remains focused on acceptance by others. This lower form of self-esteem is met when an individual has established a level of status, recognition, fame, reputation and appreciation, just to name a few. These areas in a person’s life take work to maintain.They may also require so me reinforcement or validation of some kind in order for this lower form of self-esteem to be maintained. The higher form of self-esteem that Maslow addresses is that of self-respect. This higher form of self-esteem requires less maintenance because through accomplishment, it becomes a permanent part of who the individual is. We can say that once a person has gained respect for himself or herself, it is much harder to lose that respect or to have it taken away. People on the higher end of selfesteem generally like who they are.The idea of confidence in ability, the mastery of something, or the competence that is established in what these people do, supports this higher form of self-esteem. These forms of self-esteem should not be confused with an individual having high or low self-esteem. Individuals with low self-esteem often have a low opinion of themselves and their self-image. As a result, inferiority complexes are present in the individual. With this idea in mind, Maslow conten ds that the majority of people’s psychological problems are due to low self-esteem.The realism here is that if a person don’t like himself or herself, or who he or she is or what he or she has accomplished, then that person will be more critical of himself or herself. Through that process, negative self talk is born, and can create a barrier to achieving personal success. How does low self-esteem impact these lower and higher forms of selfesteem in general? If an individual has low self-esteem, the lower form of self-esteem affects the individual on a social level. The individual may, for example, constantly attempt to seek or validate feedback and acceptance on a social level from his or her peers.With regard to the higher form of selfesteem, in the individual with low selfesteem may display a lack of respect for himself or herself and the expectations that they place upon themselves would be unrealistic, or perhaps in some cases these expectations would be placed by others rather than being placed by the individuals themselves. It is amazing that all of the prior needs within Maslow’s hierarchy, including physiological, safety, and even belongingness needs are frequently met, especially in modern society and developed countries.Imagine if more people just had a little respect for themselves in the grand scheme of things.  © 2009 Association of Surgical Technologists For reprint permission: [email protected] org AUGUST 2009 | the surgical technologist | 351 THE CONTROVERSY As we take a look at Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy pyramid, there is some controversy as to how it relates directly to humanistic psychology. Is there enough evidence to support this hierarchy when it comes right down to how people develop emotionally?Maslow set forth with the notion that these stages along Self-actualizers are focused on what matters most in defining the course of development match up with how people experience psychowho they are. Once self-re spect is gained, the individual can take logical growth. The primary contention is that a more proactive approach to bettering themselves, as well as anyone in society can regress back to, being able to remain focused on resolving any dilemmas †¦ or value an alternative aspect of the hierarchy pyramid in a way that is not parallel with Maslow’s model.For example, some cultures may be more fixated on belongto figure out, or it can be the determining factor of how well ing over safety, or esteem over belonging. 5 To answer these he or she is connected with his or her self and abilities. People who are self-actualizers are focused on what challenges, many experts believe that Abraham Maslow’s matters most in defining who they are. Once self-respect is hierarchy doesn’t always follow in sequence with how it gained, the individual can take a more proactive approach was intended.If the notion of self-esteem, for example, is thought to develop in children as early as two years of age, to bettering themselves, as well as being able to remain focused on resolving any dilemmas that may arise regarding then why does Maslow address esteem needs so high up in the deficit stages. Self-actualizers may be more generative in the hierarchy pyramid? Humanistic psychology does challenge some of these notions, even though Maslow was a the sense that the focus is no longer as much about pleasbeliever in humanistic psychology. ng others as it is giving back or sharing this part of who Another oft-challenged aspect of his work is that Maslow they are. 6 In other aspects, it can also appear to be spiritual. himself defined self-actualizers as people of great accomLooking at one’s life as to who he or she is in the universe is a good example. Once a person is able to come to terms plishment, such as former presidents, dignitaries and great discoverers. With that being said, it is very difficult to place with who they are, and they are ultimately satisfi ed with an emphasis on the concept of self-actualization.How sigthat, then they have truly reached the point of being able nificant is the concept of the self-actualizer? The only way to self-actualize. With this level of intuition comes a sense of peace, which that to answer that question is to say that all people are at in turn serves as a motivator to focus on more advanced different stages of development, and all of them are selftasks in life, such as supporting the moral and ethical stan- actualizers in some form. SELF-ACTUALIzATION Self-actualization is defined by Maslow as the single component of being within the hierarchy model.Being, in this sense, means not being a part of the deficit needs as they appear within the lower chain of the hierarchy. 1 This need is independentâ€â€there must be some accomplishment of all the other deficit needs, which are best defined as what we appear to be, according to the standards of society. Selfactualization is the internal dialogue t hat everyone establishes at some point in their lives. In order to do that, there must be some establishment or satisfaction of the prior needs. Once all of the previous needs have been met, an individual can direct his or her focus toward a true calling.Usually when a person is hungry, or they don’t feel safe, or they feel unloved, the focal point leans towards resolving those issues, therefore disrupting the focus on self-actualizing. With self-actualization, being able to pinpoint how one truly feels about something is often a little more challenging dards in life. There is a more in-depth focus on bettering oneself and expanding one’s knowledge and talents. The real definition to self-actualizing is getting to know oneself, while being okay and unconditionally accepting of whatever it is that he or she discovers.The question every individual must face is, do you like and accept who you are? Once that question is answered, then self-respect is gained. Once an indivi dual establishes that respect for his or herself, no one can take that away. In this context, Abraham Maslow is justified in establishing self-actualization in a category by itself that quantifies the need of being separately from the need of deficit. 352 | the surgical technologist | AUGUST 2009  © 2009 Association of Surgical Technologists For reprint permission: [email protected] org verview When looking at Maslow’s hierarchy pyramid, an important concept to remember is that anyone at anytime can regress back to any point within the hierarchy structure that Maslow addresses. How does this impact human behavior? Looking back at the very basics of physiological needs for example, people need to feel good. It does not matter if a person is employed as a janitor or a top-notch cardiac surgeon, if he or she is diagnosed with a disease that impacts them physically, he or she is likely to regress back towards satisfying any physiological needs that may come about.The affecte d individual’s attitude towards the prognosis of this disease will likely contribute towards a shift in his or her priorities. Emotionally, the feelings of love and belonging may be impacted in the sense that they may want to ensure that their loved ones are safe when they pass. With regard to esteem, for some, there may be a great sense of loss, while others may come to terms with the fact. With that being said, there are circumstances that affect each individual with regard to where he or she stands in the hierarchy pyramid. Is everyone a self-actualizer? Yes. For each individual, this experience is different.It is experienced at different depths depending on individual life experiences. The more in touch one is with one’s inner self, the better he or she can control, and often master, one’s self-talk. It is also important to remember that all individuals are constantly impacted by the forces of life, some of which are far beyond personal control. When the opp ortunity arises to experience this hierarchy, and the needs of deficit are fully met, it allows the individual to make a closer connection with the concept of self-actualization. Also, when these deficit needs are met, self-actualization, in a sense, is likely to become even more enhanced.The bottom line is that everyone is effected emotionally at every level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. If early life experiences as a child are positive, and needs are being met, that individual will excel in the area of self-confidence and self-esteem at much faster rate. It helps to establish a strong foundation for life. Later, the individual is able to establish a much stronger set of coping mechanisms when one of the deficit needs isn’t being met. Additionally, when adverse circumstances confront the individual, he or she is often better-equipped with the ability to problem solve and confront the challenge confidently.Conversely, if early life experiences as a child are negative , and needs are not met, that individual’s foundation isn’t as secure, and he or she is not as likely to excel in selfconfidence and self-esteem, rather, he or she is likely to get trapped a state of constantly seeking approval from peers. He or she may develop a fear of making mistakes. The majority falls somewhere in between what is positive in life and what is negative. Ultimately, individuals who develop a strong, well-established foundation are likely to be emotionally strong and can exercise a stronger sense of self control.Those whose foundation is shaky and not very stable will focus more on protecting it, therefore having less confidence in that foundation. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Robert A Poston, cst has been a surgical technologist since 1993. He began his work in education with Concorde Career College in North Hollywood, California in 1997. He has been a guest speaker with the California State Assembly of Surgical Technologists in 2001 and 2003. Robert Poston is c urrently the Program Chair for Surgical Technology at Everest College in Thornton, Colorado. He has also served as an item writer for the National Certification Exam for Surgical Technology.RefeRences 1. Boeree, George C. â€Å"Abraham Maslow, 1908-1970. †Personality Theories. 2006. Available at: http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/maslow. html. Accessed 4/9/2009. 2. BambooWeb Dictionary. â€Å"Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. †2009. Available at: http://www. bambooweb. com/articles/m/a/Maslow’s_hierarchy_of_needs. html. Accessed: 4/9/2009. 3. Applegate, Edith. The Anatomy and Physiology Learning System. 2000. p 214-215. 4. Drinnien, Beverly; Irwin, Donald; Simons, Janet. Psychologyâ€â€The Search for Understanding. West Publishing Company. New York. 1987. Available at: http://honolulu. awaii. edu/intranet/committees/FacDevCom/guidebk/ teachtip/maslow. htm. Accessed: 4/9/2009. 5. NetMBA Business Knowledge Center. â€Å"Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. †2007. Available at: http://www. netmba. com/mgmt/ob/motivation/maslow/. Accessed: 4/9/2009. 6. Van Wagner, Kendra. â€Å"Self-Actualization and the Hierarchy of Needs. †2009. Available at: http://psychology. about. com/od/theoriesofpersonality/a/ hierarchyneeds_2. htm. Accessed: 4/9/2009.  © 2009 Association of Surgical Technologists For reprint permission: [email protected] org AUGUST 2009 | the surgical technologist | 353
Saturday, November 9, 2019
When to Use the Words A, An, and And
When to Use the Words A, An, and And A and an are two forms of the same word. The conjunction and is a different word altogether. Use the indefinite articles a and an before nouns: a before a noun that begins with a consonant sound (a doctor, a horse, a university); an before a noun that begins with a vowel sound (an envelope, an hour, an umbrella). And is a coordinating conjunction: use it to join words, phrases, and clauses. Examples Every minute felt like an hour, and every hour felt like a day.Love is not a feeling. Love is an action, an activity. (M. Scott Peck)For lunch, she had an apple, a carrot, and a European oyster.Betty is an honorary member of the Lollipop League.Shyla and I were sitting at a table with an energetic clown and a rowdy little girl. Usage Notes on When to Use A or An A HistorianPeople worry about whether the correct article is a or an with historian, historic, and a few other words. Most authorities have supported a over an. The traditional rule is that if the h- is sounded, then a is the proper form. . . . This is not a new rule. Even the venerated language authority H.W. Fowler, in the England of 1926, advocated a before historic(al) and humble. (Bryan A. Garner, a. A. Choice Between a or an. Garners Modern American Usage. Oxford University Press, 2003)A and An Before AbbreviationsA minor complication arises with some abbreviations. Do you write, He received a M.A. degree or an M.A. degree? Do you write, a N.Y. Central spokesman or an N.Y. Central spokesman? The test is how people say or read such designations. M.A. registers with most people as alphabetical letters, not as Master of Arts; hence, an M.A. degree is proper. On the other hand, N.Y. Central is instantly translated by the mind into New York Central; it would not be read as En Wye Central. Therefore, a N.Y. Central spokesman is proper. (Theodore M. Bernstein, The Careful Writer: A Modern Guide to English Usage, Simon Schuster, 1965) Practice Exercise Fill in each blank with either a, an, or and. (a) Writing is just having ______ sheet of paper, ______ pen, ______ not a shadow of ______ idea what you are going to say.(b) ______ good coach is ______ understanding tyrant ______ a hard-headed friend. Answers to Practice Exercises: A, An, And (a) Writing is just having a sheet of paper, a pen, and not a shadow of an idea what you are going to say.(b) A good coach is an understanding tyrant and a hard-headed friend.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Nathaniel Bacon and Bacons Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon and Bacons Rebellion Bacon’s Rebellion occurred in the Virginia Colony in 1676. In the 1670’s, escalating violence between Native Americans and farmers was occurring in Virginia due to the increasing pressure of land exploration, settlement, and cultivation. In addition, farmers wanted to expand towards the Western frontier, but were being denied their requests by the royal governor of Virginia, Sir William Berkeley. Already unhappy with this decision, they became incensed when Berkeley refused to act against the Native Americans after several raids on settlements along the frontier. In response to Berkeleys inaction, farmers led by Nathaniel Bacon organized a militia to attack the Native Americans. Bacon was a Cambridge educated man who had been sent to the Virginia Colony in exile. He bought plantations on the James River and served on the Governors Council. However, he grew disenchanted with the governor. Bacons militia ended up destroying an Occaneechi village including all its inhabitants. Berkeley responded by naming Bacon a traitor. However, many colonists, especially servants, small farmers, and even some slaves, backed Bacon and marched with him to Jamestown, forcing the governor to respond to the Native American threat by granting Bacon a commission to be able to fight against them. The militia led by Bacon continued to raid numerous villages, not discriminating between belligerent and friendly Indian tribes. Once Bacon left Jamestown, Berkeley ordered the arrest of Bacon and his followers. After months of fighting and delivering the Declaration of the People of Virginia, which criticized Berkeley and the House of Burgesses for their taxes and policies. Bacon turned back and attacked Jamestown. On September 16, 1676, the group were able to completely destroy Jamestown, burning all the buildings. They then were able to seize control of the government. Berkeley was forced to flee the capital, taking refuge across the Jamestown River. Bacon did not have control of the government for long, as he died on October 26, 1676 of dysentery. Even though a man named John Ingram arose to take over the leadership of Virginia after Bacons death, many of the original followers left. In the meantime, an English squadron arrived to help out the besieged Berkeley. He led a successful attack and was able to dispel the remaining rebels. Additional actions by the English were able to remove the remaining armed garrisons. Governor Berkeley returned to power in Jamestown in January, 1677. He arrested numerous individuals and had 20 of them hanged. In addition, he was able to seize the property of a number of the rebels. However, when King Charles II heard of Governor Berkeleys harsh measures against the colonists, he removed him from his governorship. Measures were introduced to lower taxes in the colony and deal more aggressively with Native American attacks along the frontier. An additional result of the rebellion was the Treaty of 1677 which made peace with the Native Americans and set up reservations that are still in existence today.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Issues of Higher Education - Who Will Pay For It Research Paper
Issues of Higher Education - Who Will Pay For It - Research Paper Example There is a greater distinction among Whites, Africans, Americans and Hispanics on matter of degree than kind. The research also examined the level of financial aid that increased the discount to tuition that has diverse affect to the tuition increase. As Americans emerges from the last decade’s recession, the higher education system together with economic as well as social sector needs boosting in order to exploit our human and physical education. As recovery commences, the financial aid has improved life of many Americans, with those at the top benefitting a lot. Moreover, gap between those who access the financial aid and those who do not continue to grow. Public investment on higher education has operated for up to three decades in order to eliminate economic barriers and to persist in college. Additionally, the financial aid towards educational opportunity has had massive growth from $558 Million in 1963 to a flabbergasting $43 Billion in 1993-94. Federal financial aid to various college students has increasingly awarded in the form of public subsidized loans. Lutz (2012) have estimated that loan defaulters rose by 58% during the 80s, whereas defaulters claims also grew by about 1300%, thereby covering over a fraction of a fifth total amount to fund the program (Lutz, 2012). In that case Americans, federal government loan program entitles all students a loan with interest lower than market rates with an option flexible repayment. Furthermore, loans are given to students with no consideration on either income earnings, option of institution attended, or course pursued by students. Student’s loans mainly address the important goal on strategic administration by ensuring access to affordable and accountable to higher education and adults are much better prepared for employment and future learning. Like any issue of national importance, there
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Reverse Discrimination Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Reverse Discrimination - Term Paper Example Reverse Discrimination The claim of reverse discrimination linked to affirmative action has become a leading argument against the affirmative action policy (Beauchamp, 2007). â€Å"The charge of reverse discrimination rests on the implicit premise that whites are denied access to advantages to which they are entitled, and which they would have obtained had not preference been given to minorities†(Livingston 1979, 40). Reverse discrimination was the basis for Barbara Grutter's lawsuit against the University of Michigan Law School. Grutter maintained that because she had higher scores than the minorities that were accepted into the program, the law school discriminated against her on the basis of race. Reverse discrimination advocates argue that by favoring minorities, the affirmative action plan discriminates against the majority. In Grutter, a qualified member of the majority was denied admission while a less qualified minority was admitted which depicts the perfect illustrat ion of how affirmative action is reverse discrimination. ... Those who defend the premise that affirmative action serves as reverse discrimination adduce that discrimination is unconstitutional. If past discrimination is unjust, so is discrimination against whites (Livingston 1979). Preferential Treatment Critics of affirmative actions content that preferential treatment is not necessary to eliminate discrimination since existing protection prohibiting discrimination will suffice. Moreover, affirmative action creates further injustice through what critics contend is actually reverse discrimination. Vocal critics of race based quotas point out that such policies undermine American ideological notions of individuality and personal responsibility, treating the group as the measure of significance and not the individual (Berry 1996). The concept of a "colorblind" society originated in Justice John M. Harlan's dissent in Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896). Justice Harlan wrote, There is no caste here. Our Constitution is color-blind and neithe r knows nor tolerates classes among citizens. In respect of civil rights, all citizens are equal before the law. The humblest is the peer of the most powerful. The law regards man as man, and takes no account of his surroundings or of his color when his civil rights as guaranteed by the supreme law of the land are involved (Berry 1996, 138). In Plessy, â€Å"the Court upheld a Louisiana statute, passed in 1890, which provided for separate railway carriages for white and colored races†(Goring 2000, 4). Through Plessy and other Supreme Court decisions, the notion of a "colorblind" society has become an integral argument against affirmative action. Advocates of a "colorblind" society maintain that Because race really is, and properly only would be, a matter of unchosen appearance
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